Adding Tasks in Checklist

To add tasks in the checklists. Click on Add Task button

In the modal, enter following details :

Label of the step

Description of the step

Step Action - What should happen when user clicks on this task

  1. Go to page - If you want to redirect the user to a certain page

  2. Trigger a flow - If you want to trigger a flow when user clicks on step. You can select the flows from list of flows you've already created. You can also first make the user go to a certain page before triggering a flow.

Mark As Done - You can define the criterion which will mark the step as done.

In case of step action being - go to page, you have two options here :

1. When user lands on the particular page you have defined

2. When user matches specific criterion based on the events and properties you send.

In case of triggering a flow as step action:

You have to define the conditions when step will be marked as done.

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